4 Ways to Thrive in Chaos

Salon life can be chaotic, busy, and can test our patience. In these moments, the last thing we feel like doing is serving a testy customer or interacting with a similarly stressed co-worker. The key to thriving and adapting requires the ability to change your thoughts at a moments notice.

Here are 4 ways to thrive in a chaotic environment without losing your cool:

(1) Re-frame your thoughts

Your actions are a direct result of your thoughts. Instead of absorbing negative thoughts, try to observe them going by like you are watching cars on a highway. Take deep breaths and imagine yourself letting go of negative thoughts as you exhale. This creates a distance between yourself and destructive thought patterns.

Next, work on re-framing the thought and think about how you could see the situation in a different light.

(2) Take the 30-day challenge

Every day for thirty days, write down three things that you are grateful for (no repeats!). Over time, this exercise will become increasingly difficult. The purpose of this exercise is to train your brain to look for the smallest glimmer of positivity in every situation. We tried it, and it really works!

(3) Don’t take work home with you

Let daily stresses stay where they belong- at work! Don’t check your email unless necessary and be selective about who you give your personal number to. Your home should be a stress-free sanctuary away from work.  If you find your mind wandering towards work, try some mindful meditation or exercise.

(4) Don’t participate in drama

Some coworkers seem set on reliving their high school glory years. Unfortunately, you can’t do anything to change them, but you can decide not to participate. Conversely, clear up any misunderstandings right away and communicate. If something needs to be discussed, do so immediately and professionally. This will keep things from festering and minimize work place drama.

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